Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Welcome back after a nice long weekend.

This afternoon was a whirlwind.  We started off with math. We reviewed division. We created a frayer model.  We looked at the definition of division, characteristics, examples and show how.
We read the book 100 Hungry Ants.  This is a great book that shows different division equations for 100.
Image result for 100 hungry ants
We took what we learned and applied it to a problem.

There are 24 children in the parade.  They have to line up in equal rows. How many children could be in each row?  How many different rows can you find?  Record in your books each way.

We also learned what a prime number is.

Our math lesson was cut short with an Annie practice.  We practiced all of our songs and really sounded great.

In gym, we worked on our frisbee skills.  We played a fun game with the frisbees at the end of the class.
Image result for frisbee
We finished off our day with some science inquiry work. We looked at how wind is created on Earth. We then tried to compare how wind is created on Earth and how we think it is created on Mars.
Image result for things to remember

1.)  There are still some tickets available for Annie
Image result for Annie

2.) Please review your multiplication and division facts either on Mathletics or on a fact app on your device
Image result for question of the day

We have only about 45 days left of school.  What is one goal you have before completing this grade?


  1. OAKLEY (is awesome)26 April 2016 at 16:40

    probably typing my story up onto the computer

  2. Lexi.. to read as much as I can.

  3. Write a book with at least 100 pages in it.


  4. One goal that I want to complete is, to write better

  5. Nic wants to inquire more about mars. And do better in math. (These are his words) Nic Buckner

  6. My goal is getting better at division.


  7. My goal is to finish 50 books of reading and 13 math sessions- Kartikeyan


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