Monday, 18 April 2016

Monday, April 18th, 2016


Welcome back after another beautiful weekend.

We started our morning with our Daily 5 routine.  After our first round, we practiced our hand writing. Next, we challenged our spelling to prepare for our new set of Words Their Way.

Image result for hand writing

During nutrition break, Mrs. Zwack continued reading 'Pax'.

Image result for pax book

We then moved into Readers' Theatre with Mr. Demman.  He read us a poem, showing us how this type of reading is different from finding facts in a text book or reading a menu.  We practiced reading with a focus on punctuation and expression!!!

In French with Mrs. Kenna, we continued to practice the names of different fruits.  We were also challenged to find the name of a fruit or vegetable that we enjoy and return next Monday ready to share how to say it in french.

After lunch, we had Math where we discussed division. We talked about division as sharing and practiced some scenarios to explore sharing in equal groups.

In Science inquiry, the engineers looked at reverse engineering.  We have taken ideas from our brainstorming session to investigate how similar ideas around us already exist - moving forward we will investigate - "how does this information help us?"

In gym, we took advantage of the beautiful day to play soccer.  Mr. Demman shared some ball handling skills with us.  After giving us time to practice those skills, we used them in a game that was a combination to Tag and Keep Away.

Image result for question of the day

What was the most memorable part of your day at Cranston School?  
What did you learn?  
What would you like to explore next?


  1. I learned division.I would like to explore science. ANDREA

  2. my most memorable part of my was doing gym i learned how to do division.


  3. The most memorable part of my day was gym. I learned how to dribble properly. I would like to learn how to shoot properly.


  4. The most memorable part of my day was having gym back. - Nicholas

  5. The most memorable part of my day today was having fun in gym. I learned drills in soccer. Next I would like to learn how to kick the ball high with my knee

  6. The most memorable part of the day was math,Inquiry and gym.
    I learned how to dribble in gym.
    In inquiry I'd like to explore is I would like to know how do plants grow?

  7. Mine was when we did our readers theater. I learned different this to do with soccer. I want to explore more different things with the soccer ball.



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