Thursday 14 April 2016

Thursday April 14, 2016

Thursday morning began with Music with Mrs. Jones.
We continue to practice our songs for Annie as the performances with begin in a few short weeks.
Image result for annie

When then moved into Daily 5 with Mrs. Zwack and Mr. Demman.  We were practicing our Words Their Way as we are preparing for the quiz tomorrow.  Please remember to practice your words tonight!

During our nutrition break we had special presentations from classmates.  First, we listen to some peer writing where we were challenged to figure out the the animal that was being described by listening to the evidence within the descriptive writing.  We then had a presentation that was created on google slides.  This presentation informed us about life under water - we also learned that we know have two resident technical experts that are willing to share their skills with the rest of the class.  Thank you to all of our presenters today!

Next, we met with Mrs. Peterson's class and formed our Social Inquiry groups.  The last time we met we discussed and recorded all of the things that we think we knew about the topics we selected.  Today we moved into our wonders - creating question about the what we want to know abut our different topics.

Image result for division symbol
In Math, Mr. Demman shared ideas about division.  What does it mean to divide and how is that different from subtracting?  We worked on solving problems that were related to groupings.

Our scientists feverishly worked on adding more material to our Cranston Martian Website.  We don't want to let you know too much because we want it to be a surprise.
...and the engineers are focused on developing ideas of how to efficiently use the environment and  resources that are naturally found on Mars. 
Image result for question of the day

Why do you think that sharing is important?

Things to remember:

- Friday, we will receive a visit by Artist in residence - Mrs Ellison.
- Please be aware that a letter was sent home today from Dr. George Stanley School
- Also know that we will not be having our community walk tomorrow.
- Please remember to practice your Words Their Way


  1. Sharing is important because then it is fair for everyone.

  2. so we can be kind being peace to each other

  3. it is important to share what happened today with your family so they can help you solve problems. sharing also shows you care.

  4. I think that sharing is important because then everyone gets included & it's fair.


  5. It is important that we share so everyone is included. ANDREA

  6. It is important to have each others backs. Because bullying can happen in a peaceful school. :(


  7. It is important to have each others backs. Because bullying can happen in a peaceful school. :(


  8. It is important to have each others backs. Because bullying can happen in a peaceful school. :(



Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you