Thursday, 5 November 2015

Thursday, November 5

Happy thursday Everyone!

This morning we started our day with a Speed Sort of our Words Their Way words.  During this activity, students

Sorry everyone it looks like Mrs. Zwack's portion of the blog didn't save when she was typing for some reason.  I will carry on with our afternoon.

This afternoon was a great one for lots of discussion.  We started talking about how each of us is different and how our brains work differently.  You all did a great job talking about how we can work together even if we all don't think the same way.  This lead into a great video Mrs. Bowles found about how we learn about Math.  Please share this video with your parents so that know and understand how we plan to help make our brains grow this year.  It is such a great learning video.

From here we tried to grow our brain with the following math problem.

I counted by 6, 7, 9, and 25 starting at 0.
Could I have said the same number in three of those counts?  How about all of them?
We all found some great patterns in our number lists.  We will finish our investigation in this tomorrow.

During our reading of Wonder.  We had some more great discussions.  We talked about genes, genetics, and genetic modification.  These were some heavy talks but really good. We talked about how our relatives might say "You look just like your mom at that age!"  and how this can drive us crazy.... well genetics are to blame.

In gym, we used the scooters to play  Bulldozers and Builders.  It was so much fun!

We finished our day with trying to finish our word search on oil refining. 

As you can see we had a very busy day.

Things to Remember:

1.)  Tomorrow we will continue our Community Walk Nature Inquiry - please dress to be outside for an hour.
2.) Remembrance Day - Nov. 11th No School that day

Question of the Day:

What does Remembrance Day mean to you?


  1. it means remembering our soldiers from canada that died in war


  2. How hundreds of millions of soldiers risked their lives for our freedom. - Miller

  3. Remembrance Day means to me:

    Glad that we're not in war and not fighting.
    We remember how horrible war was and we don't want it to happen again.

    From jared

  4. To celebrate our friends and ancestors who went to war, because my great grandma and great grandpa both were in WWII
    Nick P.

  5. I think Remembrance Day is important because it is remembering the people who fought for us to help us be safe and healthy!


  6. To me it is a day when we all can remember all those who sacrificed themselves so that everyone in Canada could be free. Like my great great great uncle George did.

    From Mackenzie

  7. We can remember people that fight to keep us safe in Canada. By Isabel


  8. remembrance day
    we can remember the people who sacrificed their lives o save our country

  9. It mean to think about the people that sacrificed they're lives to make our country safe. -Andrea :)

  10. It means respect for the soldiers that died for the freedom of are country~Duncan

  11. it is super special because it helps me remember what a great place we live in and that my great granddad and great great granddad were both in a war . I can send pictures.

  12. I remember all the soldiers that died

  13. Josh: i know my great grand father was in world war 2.


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you