Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

So sorry for the late blog.  I remembered while on my drive home....

What a fun afternoon I had with all of you!  Welcome to Claire our new student.  Thank you Claire for fitting in so quickly!  This afternoon was a great learning experience for me.  Thank you to Oakley and the rest of you for teaching me all about the green screen.  Your videos are really great and I look forward to sharing them with everyone.

Image result for green screen

In our science inquiry today we looked at the mission specialists and the narrowed them down to the most important.  We looked at what we would need to survive the first day on Mars.  You came up with Air, Food, Water and Shelter.  Then we looked at which specialists would be the most valuable to meet these needs. Tonight please go on your KidBlog and talk to all of us about:
1.)  what you think you will need to survive on Mars if you were going to be there for a month?
       - do these things change from if you were going to be there for one day
2.)  Which specialists would you need to meet these needs?
3.)   Which specialist would you like to be?  What do you think the most important project you would need to work on to help you and others survive?

Image result for living on mars

In gym, we continued to work on our floor hockey skills.  Mr. MacDougall talked to us about being a good defensive player.

Image result for floor hockey clipart

Image result for things to remember

1.)  Don't forget to go on KidBlog
2.)  Read a good book

Image result for question of the day

Tell Claire an interesting fact about you.  Also, tell her about one thing you think she will like about our class.


  1. i love to bake bread that every one is really kind Emily

  2. I like playing b ball the class is fun

  3. Miller says I like playing ice hockey and we are friendly in our class

  4. I like to play minecraft. Our class is awesome!!!

  5. I like dinosaurs. We do lots of fun things in our class! - Lexi

  6. Claire,
    An interesting fact about me is that I play hockey for the Bow Valley Flames.
    I think you will like daily math 3 in our class.
    From: SPENCER

  7. Hi Claire. An interesting fact about me is that I have three sisters and I like to play soccer. I think you will like our class because everyone is super welcoming. - Andrea

  8. One interesting thing about me is that I love drawing. One interesting thing
    about the class is that we all know each other well and get along.-Nick P

  9. Hi Claire one interesting fact about me is that I have a younger sister then me and she is 6 year old and that I love to draw and I love to go to school

  10. hi claire a fact about me is that my favrite thing to do is sing. I think that one of the things your gonna like about are class is that everyone is really nice and caring you can have the whole class as your friend


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