Wednesday 13 January 2016

Wednesday, January 13

Wow!  We started today off with a fantastic class discussion about Zabby's idea to collect items for the Syrian refugees coming to Calgary.  Our students are developing their thinking skills to become true global citizens!  We started talking about why the refugees are leaving their country and the hardships they have endured.  As the conversation progressed we got into the idea that people have different opinions about this topic in Canada and around the world.

We discussed that it was OK to disagree, but that we need to learn to be respectful and listen to what others have to say.  Together we came up with some ideas about the question:  Should Canada accept refugees from Syria?  The depth of their thinking was amazing and we are so proud of how our students can reason out the possibilities for both the agree and the disagree opinions.  We followed up with some writing in our Writer's Notebooks to share our thinking.  We encourage you and your families to carry on this discussions at home and to encourage your child to share their opinions with you.  We will continue to explore the refugees and how we might welcome them to our own city. Please check out the link below if you are interested in learning more as a family:

Our afternoon was very interesting. We really worked our growth mindset.  Today we learned a new addition game called Race to 100.   This will be a game that we can play both with Math By Myself and Math With Someone.  In this game we are working on two digit by one digit addition.  We looked at strategies to be able to do this using mental math.  We also looked at a math problem.  To break the problem down we made a chart that said  I Noticed and I Wonder. This allows us to see what information we have from the problem and what we need to find out. In this problem we had to see the pattern first in the chart and then we had to add up seven, 2-digit numbers.  When left on your own we came up with some great strategies.  We will continue our work on adding 2 - digit numbers tomorrow.

During our science inquiry, we worked on our own.  First we looked at a news article about Mars. Please click on the link below to view a 360º View of Mars from a Mars rover, Curiosity.  The question of the day will be about looking at this as well. Don't forget you can make the image move using your arrow keys on the computer.
Image result for mars curiosity

We also tried to upload some of our videos and goals to IRIS. Due to a number of technical difficulties we didn't get very far with this.

In dance, we worked on a routine that helped out core.  We did have some difficulty following directions and thought that it was a race but it really wasn't.  I think we will do much better at this next week.... right?
Image result for Things to remember
1.)  Fun Lunch orders due January 19th.
2.)  Report Cards go home on Friday

Image result for question of the day

Go back and view the 360º View of Mars.  Write down one thing that you noticed and one thing that you wonder.


  1. One thing I noticed is it looks like a spaceship crashed. I wonder why it has wheels.

  2. it wouldn't work but if I remember, a thing that I noticed was that there was tons of sand and rocks. I wonder if it will work soon???


  3. The one thing that I noticed is that the sky looks all dusty. I wonder how they got the picture.
    PS - It looked cool!

  4. I noticed that there is lots of space on Mars and it would be perfect to build a shelter. ISABEL!

  5. I noticed the mounds of sand and I wonder if they were made by the wind.

  6. I noticed that it was really sandy and I wonder how the land formed.-ANDREA

  7. I noticed that it was very flat and I wonder what the ruffles in the sand are..


  8. I noticed it looked like it is powered by solar power


  9. I noticed it looks very brown and sandy, I wonder why there is no trees.


  10. I noticed ripples. I wonder how high I could jump in Mars gravity. - Lexi

  11. I noticed mountiains in the back round. I wonder if any thing grows there.

  12. I noticed lots of sand dunes in the back round I wonder why Mars has so much sand

  13. I noticed tons of cracks in the ground I wonder how tall the sand dune is~DUNCAN

  14. I noticed lots of rocks then not then rocks again. I wonder why they call mars the red planet when its not red its mostly brown.

  15. I noticed that it had lots of sand. I wonder why they also call it the red planet when it is not red?



Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you