Monday 25 January 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Happy Monday Everyone,

We were so happy to have our friend back from his trip to India!  Our class finally felt like it should and everyone was happy!

We did a whole group Read to Self while Mrs. Zwack helped our friend reacquaint with the routines and it was great to see everyone snuggling up with a good book.  We then did two rounds of Daily 5 work while Mrs. Zwack and Mrs. Peterson met with the new Words Their Way groups to complete new sorts.  Most students have their new words and the last two groups will get theirs tomorrow.

After snack and read aloud, we settled in to working on finishing up our India journal pages.  We will be ready to share them very soon.  Today we added images that represent India.  Please ask your child to tell you about them!

Welcome back Kartik I was so glad to have you add the fun into taking attendance.
We shared with our friend in math some of the addition estimation strategies and addition strategies that we have been working on.  Today we introduced two new Math With Someone games for subtraction Subtraction War and Subtraction Snap. Both are great games for practicing. Please teach your parents at home.  We learned the math word difference and what it means in math.

Our science inquiry was very interesting today. We listened as a "real" botanist spoke about the real science in the move The Martian.  We continued to finish our structure designs and began working on our floor plans.
The scientist group worked on their water filtration systems. We can't wait to see them work.

In gym, we worked on our fitness by completing a Fitness Treasure Hunt.  We also continued to build our cardio work with Flag Tag and  Rock, Paper, Scissor Tag.  Today we also started a plank challenge that we will be doing both in our class and in gym.  Today we had to hold our plank for 20 seconds.

Things to Remember:
1.)  Learning Commons Books are to be signed out for two weeks. At that time they are to be returned or they need to be renewed.  Please make sure your overdue books are returned.
2.)  Go on Mathletics and do some math practice

Question of the Day:

Tell us one thing that you learned today at school.


  1. in school i learned learnt what difference means.It means the answer to a subtraction equation.

  2. The game I learned in math helped me with subtraction.

  3. I learned a new subtraction game. -Lexi

  4. I learned how to do a proper plank today.

  5. I learned that it's hard to do a 20 second plank. By ISABEL!

  6. Today I learnt that there is life on Mars.

  7. I learned that making a water filter is harder then it looks.-ANDREA.

  8. I learned that it takes a long time to make a water filter.


  9. I learned 2 new math games to help me with subtraction.


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you