Wednesday 7 October 2015

Wednesday, October 7th, 2015

Good Evening Everyone,
I am writing the blog from Olympic Heights School.  I am attending an Environmental Inquiry workshop.  Lots to learn even for us old teachers :)

This afternoon was a lot of fun!  We started the afternoon with a math problem.  All of the problems that the students got to choose from were about games.  One had to do with Scrabble and the other one had to do with Four Square.  Problem Solving can be tricky but when great minds work together we can accomplish so much!
Image result for math problems
After our math time we had our nutrious snacks and continued our reading from our book Wonder.  It was really funny and we learned a lot about Mr. Tushman and Miss Butts.  You can imagine  where our conversations went.

Image result for wonder precepts

We talked about communication and different types.  We brainstormed how we communicate.  The list was long and very interesting.  We will share our ideas at the Student Led Learning Walk later this month.  We also talked about some of the forms of communicating our learning using student blogs as well as a classroom Twitter.  Big things to come over the next couple of weeks.  We will be working with Mrs. Quilley's class and Ms. Handelsman's class.

In our science inquiry, we looked at how scientists communicate their learning. We set up our oil sand experiment and discussed the question, the hypothesis and materials. Tomorrow we will complete the experiment and write up what we found.

We got called for pictures at the end of the day.  Some of us missed most of dance. Miss Janelle shared some video of swing dance.

Image result for things to remember clipart
1.)  Terry Fox Pledges and forms
2.)  O Canada video permission forms
3.)  Friday is our Drumming Presentation at 1:00 pm
4.)  Monday is Thanksgiving - no school

Image result for question of the day
Discuss one way you would like to learn about communicating that you don't already use right now.  Tell us why you would like to learn to communicate in this way?

Today's Quote:

Great opportunities to help others seldom come,  but small ones surround us every day ~ Sally Koch


  1. Spencer
    I would like to learn about communication by messaging. I would like to learn this so I can message my friends for playdates.

  2. I would like to learn about communication by Facebook so when I'm older and I can do it Ill know it in a flash and I think it looks pretty fun

  3. I would like to learn sign language because then I could talk to people that are deaf.

    From Jared

  4. I would like to learn about communication by twitter.because I don't understand hashtags.

    Emily !

  5. Sign language, because anyone can do it - Lexi

  6. I would like to explain myself through dance or ways to communicate without speaking words. ANDREA


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you