Thursday 8 October 2015

Thursday, October 8

Our morning began with music class with Mrs. Jones!  

Then we joined Mrs. Peterson's class to work on our Student Vote.  Today we learned that campaign literature can be worded or use different visuals to sway people to vote for one candidate over another.  We looked at the papers for the candidates in our riding and talked about what messages each candidate was sending.  Next, we worked on a Rights and Responsibilities activity where we looked at our rights here in Canada and then came up with the responsibilities that we felt went along with each!  We were so proud of the level of conversation and the excellent thinking going on!

We have been reading a great picture book called Unstoppable Me! by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  It focuses on 10 things that help us Soar Through Life!  Each day we read about a few ideas and discuss how these relate to both students and adults - in school, at home and out in the world.  This ties in with our work on regulating our emotions, brain learning and heading into building the idea of Mindfulness and developing a Growth Mindset.

After our quick body break, we came back into the classroom and worked on our Edward Tulane summaries.  We met and together listed the main events and places of the story which we will use to create story maps that track Edward's journey.

This afternoon was amazing!  We looked back and debriefed about the numbers that we can make using 12 base ten blocks. We added thousand blocks to the mix so our numbers changed and evolved. We looked at those numbers that we were able to make using 12 blocks and found two patterns:
1.) if we put them in order from lowest to greates - you could add 9 to them to get the next number
2.) if the digits added together came to 12 we could construct them with 12 blocks.

Kartik did a great job on adding up all of the money collected for Terry Fox.  He then created the number using the base ten blocks.  It was interesting to see $6 880.15 represented.

After we learned how to play a new game called Round and Round - we were introduced to rounding 2 - digit numbers.  Since we were just learning as mathematicians we used some of the tools to help make our thinking easier - metres sticks helped us see which ten was closer.

We read some more of our Wonder  book.  It is so good it made us laugh and make us think about how it would feel to be Auggie.

Image result for the daily wonder app

Invite others to wonder with you ~ Austin Kleon

Image result for things to remember clipart

IF you have not returned your salmon permission form for videoing for Flag of Canada Hometown Proud taping.  Students will not be able to participate in the video portion.  Please return tomorrow morning.
1.)  Tomorrow is our One World Drumming Presentation.  Students will be dismissed for lunch at 12:00.  We ask that students return to the school at  12:50 and come down to the classroom for our 1:00 pm performance.
2.)  Red and White Day or local jersey day for our O Canada taping
3.)  BYOD Information and Permission Contract were sent home today. Please read over and discuss with your child.  We will begin bringing devices of those who would like next week.
4.)  No School on Monday for Thanksgiving

Image result for question of the day

What is one right that you have at school and what is one responsibility that goes with it?  Think about the Rights and Responsibilities that were discussed with Mrs. Zwack and Mrs. Peterson.


  1. One right is to learn and have fun, and one responsibility is to have fun but not too much fun! ~ Bailey

  2. Well you can be mean but you should be nice.But what you should do is be kind.


  3. I have a right to play at recess, but I have a responsibility to play peacefully. - Lexi

  4. Spencer
    One right I have at school is to have peace. I can do this by helping the kindergartens.

  5. I have the right to not participate in things I don't want to do, but I have the responsibility to not make others feel bad about my decision.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Mackenzie wrote :
    I have the right to learn and the responsibility to be there to learn.

  8. Mackenzie wrote :
    I have the right to learn and the responsibility to be there to learn.

  9. I have the right to speak my mind, but I have a responsibility to be nice and not hurt people's feelings.

  10. I have the right to be in the class alone but I need to be responsible and be nice to the people around me ANDREA

  11. My right is to be focused at school and my responsility is to learn.

    From jared

  12. i have the right to talk to my friends but i have the responsibility to choose the right time to talk


  13. You have the right to make your own freinds but you have to be kind to them Duncan


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you