Tuesday 10 May 2016

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

Good Afternoon Everyone,

This morning we worked on our Follow the Elephant visual journal pages.  This is a follow-up activity to our class read aloud.  The students learned a great deal about India and about many life lessons as well.  The journal pages are all very unique and show how each child interpreted and represented their understanding.  Please ask your child to tell you about their learning and their journal page.

After snack and read aloud, we worked with Mrs. Peterson’s class on our Inquiry projects.  The students have been gathering information and learning about a wide range of aspects of their topics.  We talked today about how it is now time to narrow down their topics to something a bit more specific.  On Thursday we will be discussing their questions and how to move forward to gather more defined information.

This afternoon we had music. We continued to work on our pre-recorders.  We worked in our books and looked at some famous composers.

In math, we are wrapping up our learning on division.  Today we had a few minutes to work on our self-assessments about division. We shared what our strengths are and how our parents and teachers can help us reach our goals.

This afternoon we had our annual school evacuation practice. Our class was so amazing!  They were so quiet and orderly. Mrs. Zwack and Mrs. Bowles were so very proud!

In gym, we played Blob Tag.  We then played Dodgeball.  Mrs. Bowles was able to watch and see how well we work with our friends in class, how hard we are trying and how well we encourage our peers.
Image result for important reminders clipart
1.) The EcoTeam is excited to invite you to our next event, to inaugurate our garden beds, on Saturday, May 28, 2016, at 1:00 pm.  We plan to plant the plants, and water the garden. We invite families, and members of the community, to join us.  We thank The Calgary Foundation Neighbour Grants for this opportunity to see our wish, of growing vegetables to serve the community, come alive!  Please let Ms. Goldberg know if you are able to attend or lend a hand in any way – amgoldberg@cbe.ab.ca. Bring a hand shovel and a small watering can, if you have one! The event will probably last only 1 hour, or so, so please arrive on time! 
Image result for spring planting vegetables

2.)  Change for Change for Fort McMurray  Ally and Karens classes came up with this through their work on the power of social media. Every morning this week (from 8:20-8:45) I will be in the Hub collecting change to donate to the Red Cross to support Fort McMurray. This is completely optional, but please talk to your classes about what is going on, why we donate, and how every little bit helps. Might even be a good plug for doing things around the house to earn the change.
 Image result for fort mcmurray wildfire

Image result for question of the day

What can you do to help others in Fort McMurray?


  1. I think that you could help raise money.


  2. i cuede get them toys for the kids.

  3. Raising money. Lexi

  4. I could donate some stuff I don't use anymore that they will need.

  5. I could donate some books and pencils. -ANDREA

  6. Bring blankets clean clothes teddies and toys. Nic Buckner

  7. Send stuff like clothes blankets and medical stuff like Medicine if you are really sick.

  8. Donate old clothes or toys that you don't use anymore and pillows , tooth paste and some bottles shampoo,conditioner.


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you