When we came back to class, we met up with Mrs. Peterson's class so that the grade 3's could do some practice questions for our upcoming SLA's next week. The grade 4's were excellent helpers as they worked quietly on Daily 5 during this time. We reviewed the importance of reading carefully, double checking our thinking and making sure we answer all questions. We will be completing the digital portions of math and reading next week!
After all of that hard work, we had a movement break and stretched our legs and got some oxygen into our tired brains! We ended the morning by catching up on some work in our Visual Journals.
We began our afternoon watching some more of the Terry movie. We were able to make some connections between what we were talking about in some of our other learning projects and the movie.
When we returned to our classroom we started our Gandhi afternoon. We prepped our pages in our creative journals for our representation of what we learned about Gandhi. We started a book called Gandhi by Demi
We worked on creating a window image of Gandhi that we will be putting in our journals. During our nutrition break we watched a video about the life of Gandhi.
After snack we continued our work on our creative journals before going outside for gym. We did another one km run/walk and our total with Mrs. Peterson's learners is now 221 km. We get to colour in another square on the map. If you would like to see where we are on the map of Canada, as a school just go to this link
After gym we finished watching the Terry movie.
We tried to follow the No Talking rule that we learned about in our read aloud and found it not too hard. It did take some adjusting to.
Have a great evening!
Things to Remember:
1.) Terry Fox Run and Snack tomorrow - please bring in pledge forms and money
2.) Famly Portrait Night - will be with our Student Learning Walks - more information to follow
3.) Picture Day next Wednesday
4.) One World Drumming Performance - will be next Friday afternoon
Question of the Day:
Gandhi and Terry Fox both wanted to make the world a better place by being kind, thinking of others and being being peaceful. Next week we will be doing some writing on I can be more like Gandhi. Think about what you could do to be more like Gandhi and Terry Fox - write down one change you would make the world a better place.
Miller says he could remind people to put plastic and other stuff in the recycling.
ReplyDeletefor people to not liter and to stop violence
Lexi - I would end war.
ReplyDeleteI would end any type of fighting!
Stop violence and make everyone go green~Duncan
ReplyDeleteI could give money to charities so they would have a better life. ANDREA
ReplyDeletemake all races equal
ReplyDeleteAliya would like everyone to work together, say kind words to eachother and be helpful.