This morning we worked on Daily 5 choices first thing. Next we took some time to learn about how Words Their Way will be a big part of our word work this year. We practiced the first steps together and learned how to look for patterns in letters and sounds within the word sorts. Next we recorded the word sort on paper. Tomorrow we will practice resorting based on memory from today.
After read aloud and a short movement break, we worked on telling our "The First Time I Tried . . ." stories to our friends. Oral rehearsal is a great way to get our ideas out and to practice telling the stories multiple times. We learned a bit about "showing not telling" how we were feeling in our stories. for example writing,"My knees were kicking together and a chill ran down my spine" rather than I was scared. Your child may have their sheet in their backpack because it requires more information before we begin to write tomorrow. Please check and help them with this tonight and send it back tomorrow.
Our Math focus this afternoon was on different ways to represent a number using base ten blocks. We looked at what happens if you have more than 10 ones, 10 tens, or 10 hundreds. How does that change the number that is represented.
A few students have been bringing their own devices to work on during Math by Myself. Two great FREE apps that students can download are:
1.) Place Value Challenge for iPads - I believe it is a free app
2.) Pieces Basic
For Basic Facts Practice
1.) Math Racing
After our Nutrition Break and Snack - we tried to get on our blogs and work on our Communication Question. Some of us had some trouble if you would like to go on and try tonight this is what we are writing about.
What is communication? How would you like to communicate your learning to others? Why?
We would like to share this with families on Wednesday/Thursday during our Student Led Learning Walks.
In PE today we learned some more compound games. Today we learn the game "Heaven and Earth" which is a hopscotch game. We reviewed some of the older games we learned. We rotated through five different compound game stations.
At the end of the day we looked at our Twitter account. Mrs. Quilley's room tweeted a question to us about the book Wonder. We answered their question and tweeted out our own question out.
1.) Fun Lunch - please send in your orders
2.) Pictures went home today
3.) Halloween Howler tickets and orders
4.) Student Led Learning Walks - Wednesday/Thursday - please see Monday Message for more information.
Today's precept is "Don't choose the one who is beautiful to the world. But rather, choose the one who makes your world beautiful." ~ Harry Styles (From One Direction)
What do you think he means in this quote? Have you ever had an opportunity to do this? Tell us about it.
I think that means don't judge people by their looks and focus on what they do way more and no I have never had the opportunity to do it.
People that look mean could be actually be nice, it's what underneath that counts.
Don't pick the prettiest on the outside, instead choose the prettiest on the inside ~ Bailey
ReplyDeleteI think it means be nice and happy to everyone.
Choose some one who makes your world a better place. - Lexi
ReplyDeleteYou need to be around people that are kind to you because that will make your world more peaceful ANDREA
ReplyDeleteanyone can make your world a better place by being peaceful and caring. It doesn't matter what a person looks like. ISABEL
ReplyDeleteThis means choose the one that is nice on the inside do not choose the one that looks nicer on the outside. Aliya
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ReplyDeleteI think what he means is that you shouldn't just choose to like people because everyone else thinks that they're pretty, you should choose the ones that help you, do nice things for you & light up your world. Choose them because they are special people to you.