Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Wednesday, September 30

It was a Wacky Wednesday in room 80 today!  We had a switcheroo with Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Zwack.

We started the day with Miss Gordon joining us,  She is our Mount Royal University student teacher.  She spent the morning observing the routines of our classroom and helping out where needed.  We are so happy to have her as a part of our class!

As we didn't have time to get going on our writing yesterday, we started with some Work on Writing time for the whole class.  We reviewed expectations using our i-chart and made a list of possible writing formats that we could experiment with!  Next, we chose a topic from our writing idea heart and set about focusing on writing for ten minutes with no stopping!  We did a really great job and all agreed that after a quick break we could do another ten minutes.  Mrs. Zwack and Ms. Gordon were very impressed with our writing stamina.

Mrs. Bowles came in from 9 to 10 am and we worked on math. We looked at the importance of Math By Myself.  We broke into two groups and one group logged into Mathletics. We all could get in so we should be able to do more at home.  The other group worked on Today's Number and Roll It, Write It, Expand It.  Then we switched groups.

During snack and read aloud time, we discovered the Edward Tulane had been broken and was having some sort of dream.  He was all clean and dressed in a fine red silk suit and had wings to fly to the starts int he sky.  We made a detailed sketch in our visual journals to show the transformation of Edward.  We are getting very close to the end of the novel!

We had our second drumming lesson today and we had some pretty challenging patterns to follow.  It was very cool when we had three different beats going at the same time.  We look forward to sharing these with you next Friday!

Mrs. Zwack was teaching for a part of the afternoon today - Wacky Wednesday!  We met with Mrs. Peterson's class and finished up our activity from yesterday.  Please keep talking with your children about the idea of democracy and the upcoming election!  They are surprising us every day with what they know and understand!

When Mrs. Bowles returned we learned more about Terry Fox. We watched part of the movie Terry.  We didn't want to stop but.... we will continue either tomorrow or Friday.

We finished the book No Talking - it was great!  Tomorrow we will learn more about Gandhi and we will try No Talking for the afternoon.  Do you think we will be able to do it?
Image result for no talking book cover

We were AWESOME in dance!  We rocked, we rolled, we jazzed and we grooved to the tunes.  Thank you Ms. Janelle!

Things to Remember:
1.)  Terry Fox Pledges and forms.
2.)  Terry Fox Run on Friday morning - families please come and join us!

Question of the Day:
Image result for be the change you wish to see in the world
One of Gandhi's quotes is  You must be the change you wish to see in the world! How can we as a class be the change?


  1. by working together as a team with out arguing or fighting


  2. be kind,be peace full and listen


  3. Be a peaceful village!!!


  4. Hello Room 80!

    I was just reading your blog entries - oh my! The students are working so hard I can hardly believe it :) I was most impressed with the stamina you are building with writing and with your comments about Ghandi. Keep working hard - only you can change the world!

    Mrs. Kinsman :)

  5. Hello Room 80!

    I was just reading your blog entries - oh my! The students are working so hard I can hardly believe it :) I was most impressed with the stamina you are building with writing and with your comments about Ghandi. Keep working hard - only you can change the world!

    Mrs. Kinsman :)

  6. Be a peaceful village~Duncan

  7. Lexi - we could treat each other kindly.

  8. We could make sure everyone treats each other kindly and picks up after their selves and treats every material kindly


  9. We could make sure everyone treats each other kindly and picks up after their selves and treats every material kindly


  10. Be peaceful and treat otherso respectfully and if they treat you the same you know there's been a change.

  11. You could make a friend because a small thing makes a big difference. Whether it's good or bad I hope we can make a good difference. ANDREA,

  12. We can be the change by working together, being nice, and being helpful. Aliya

  13. By treat people the way that you what to be treated

  14. i think we have to work together and CHANGE the world so all people have peace in their hearts. peace starts with US(another saying).


  15. sorry i don't know why it underlined that part



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