During our literacy block, we started a new writing project. One of the ways we learn to become better writers is to follow the example of published authors. Today we read Chin Chiang and the Dragon's Dance by Canadian author and illustrator Ian Wallace. This book explores the idea of how we feel when we try something new for the first time. As we read, we listened for how Chin Chiang felt before he tried the Dragon's Dance, during the Dragon's Dance and after he was successful with the Dragon's Dance. We also connected to the ideas of perseverance, goal setting and believing in ourselves so that we can soar to success!

Each student will have a planning sheet in their homework pouch that will be due back to school tomorrow morning. Your child is to choose something they remember doing for the first time and to discuss it with you before completing the following:
1. A sketch (does not need to be colored!) of themselves doing the new activity (IE riding a two-wheeler, jumping off the high diving board, trying a new food, etc.)
2. List 3 or 4 "feeling words" for before, during and after they did the activity.
3. List 6-8 main steps for their story.
This should not take more than 20 minutes to complete!
After our story and body break, we headed into our last session before our Student Vote tomorrow! Our students are taking their right to vote very seriously and are actively discussing the party platforms and leaders. Please take some time to chat with your child over dinner this evening, to see what they are thinking and wondering about! We will be casting our votes in our Student Vote Election tomorrow morning.

Another exciting afternoon in Room 80. We started off our afternoon with a Safety Assembly. Thank you the parents and Constable Mattice. Please share what you learned today.
In math we looked at the different ways to make large numbers. We made the number 963 - we showed it in a number of ways. Attar shared an interesting discovery with the number he used
9 hundred flats, 5 ten rods and 3 one blocks. We had a long discussion about does this show 963? Then we tried to make 963 in other ways with the base ten blocks.
Off to gym we went, we played the Omnikin dodgeball again. We are getting pretty good at it.
At the end of the day, we looked at our Twitter account and who is following us. We also looked at those that we are following and what they have tweeted. We wrote a few tweets about our day.

1.) Please dress for the weather tomorrow as we will be doing out nature walk.
2.) Halloween Howler tickets still for sale.
3.) Fun Lunch Orders due
4.) Check your blog https://kidblog.org/class/bowleszwack/posts

Tomorrow is our student vote - tell us your thoughts about the student vote and what you have learned.
Love truth, but pardon error. ~ Voltaire
Another exciting afternoon in Room 80. We started off our afternoon with a Safety Assembly. Thank you the parents and Constable Mattice. Please share what you learned today.
In math we looked at the different ways to make large numbers. We made the number 963 - we showed it in a number of ways. Attar shared an interesting discovery with the number he used
9 hundred flats, 5 ten rods and 3 one blocks. We had a long discussion about does this show 963? Then we tried to make 963 in other ways with the base ten blocks.
Off to gym we went, we played the Omnikin dodgeball again. We are getting pretty good at it.
At the end of the day, we looked at our Twitter account and who is following us. We also looked at those that we are following and what they have tweeted. We wrote a few tweets about our day.
1.) Please dress for the weather tomorrow as we will be doing out nature walk.
2.) Halloween Howler tickets still for sale.
3.) Fun Lunch Orders due
4.) Check your blog https://kidblog.org/class/bowleszwack/posts
Tomorrow is our student vote - tell us your thoughts about the student vote and what you have learned.
Love truth, but pardon error. ~ Voltaire
Mrs.Bowles when I go on to my kidblog I don't know how to send something to someone.Is there a code needed to send a message to someone.
Hi Abbey,
DeleteI don't believe so but let's find out the answer to that question together.
Ok thank you. Today I learned that Justin Trudeau is trying to make a drink...illegal. But i cant remember the name of the drink. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteAbbey R
Lexi - I am nervous about making the video, but I am excited about the vote! I learned that you can only put an "x" on the ballot.
ReplyDeletei learned that you can only put a x and only 1 but if you dont its called a spoiled ballot and I'm very exited to vote duncan
ReplyDeleteMiller has learned that Stephen Harper is the only one who doesn't care about nature.
ReplyDeleteI learned that voting is important, and I'm looking forward to marking my X. Jared
ReplyDeleteI learned that some people are fit to be prime minister and some are not. ANDREA