Wednesday 3 February 2016

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

Hello Friends
Today we worked on some goal setting in Iris!  We looked back at our writing self assessments from before Christmas and reviewed the work we have done since then.  Many people noticed that by targeting specific things in the New Year, they made some improvements!  Our job this morning was to determine a new writing goal to target over the next three weeks.  Each student went on to Iris and added their goal and a few strategies.  You can review that at home tonight by having your child log in and show it to you.

Today was Winter Walk Day!  We went out, as did all classes in the school, for a lovely walk in the sunshine!  Mrs. Zwack did not remember that it was today and had to do the walk in a dress and slippy boots!!  We walked to the windmill and back with Mrs. Peterson's class.  We stopped along the way to talk about being Mindful and taking some quiet time to think about what we were feeling and experiencing along the way - the things we could hear, smell, feel, and see.  We also thought about what we were grateful for as students at Cranston School.  As we have been learning about schools around the world in our Inquiry work, we realize how much we have to be thankful for!

Today in math we looked again at multi-digit subtraction.  One of the trickiest steps in subtraction is knowing when to trade.  We tried a couple of strategies today to help us remember about trading.
First we took a whole page of subtraction questions. We highlighted the "largest" number in each column.  That reminded us that if the highest value was on the bottom we would need to trade.  We practiced our subtracting but many of us still need more practice. Please go on Mathletics and practice a couple of times until you begin to use trading on a regular basis.

Image result for subtracting with regrouping
We are continuing to read Auggie and Me.  It is quite interesting to hear the story from Julien's point of view.  I wonder if he will change at all in the story.

In our science inquiry, we continued our work as scientists and engineers. Our scientists began to look at the most nutritious fruits and vegetables as well as the fastest growing.  We will be able to make a Venn Diagram of our information and decide on which plants that we should be growing when we live on Mars.  We have a number of containers that we are going to use to plant some seeds in so that we can see the best design to add to our structures.  We also asked the engineers to come up with a bathroom design that will save our "poop." so that we can use it as fertilizer for growing things.  We hope that they find a way so that it doesn't stink!

Our engineers continued to make a list of materials that they could use to build their first structures. We talked about how we could pipe in carbon dioxide from the Mars atmosphere to help the plants and pump out the oxygen created by the plants so that we can breathe in our new Mars home.  Boy oh boy do we ever have a lot to think about and plan.

We started a picture book called You Are the First Kid on Mars by Patrick O'Brien. It is giving us some great ideas to think about and add to our plans.
Image result for you are the first kid on mars
In dance, we continued work on a song by Michael Jackson called  Black or White. We also participated in a Soul Train and got to show off our own funky moves.
Image result for soul train

Image result for things to remember
1.) Pre-Reccorder Orders are DUE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th
2.)  Friday is Fun Snack (Edible Arrangements)
3.)  Monday is Lunar New Year - we will be having a celebration and the Lion Dancers will be attending our school in the afternoon.
4.)  Practice subtracting large numbers on Mathletics

QImage result for question of the day for kids

Write a few sentences that explain how to subtract 2-digit numbers.


  1. The higher number should go first. Start at the ones column. You can borrow from the higher number beside it.

  2. Circle the biggest number and that helps to know if you have to trade. 51- 48=3
    I found that 8 was bigger than 1 so I had to trade from the 5 which then turned into a 4 and and then I had to take 11-8, and that equals 3.

  3. First you have to subtract from the highest number trust me it is much easer. If you find the number adds in the tens or higher you may trade at the top. It may be hard if you don't really now how to add.


  4. you look at the ones first then tens and on and on.If the bottom number is bigger you trade. to trade say if it was 10- 21 you turn the 1 for the tens into a 0 and then add a 1 in front of the zero and thentake one away from ten.

  5. you have to always start in the ones and go up don't start in the tens or hundreds start in the ones!When you subtract if a higher number is on the bottom and a low one on the top you will have to trade from the hundreds or the tens.

  6. Pile them on top of eachother, lining up the ones and tens. subtract the ones first, then the tens. if you cannot subtract you borrow from the number next to it. -Lexi

  7. You have to start in the ones and you have to have the biggest number on the top if you are not going to trade. You can't subtract a higher number from a smaller number because then it would go in to the negative numbers. -ANDREA

  8. You look at the ones place first find out what the biggest number is if it's at the bottom you need to borrow if it's at the top then you subrates it normally then you go to the tens place and do the same thing.Duncan

  9. I wasn't here cause of dentist. Just checking the blog. Her is my answer just subtract the ones and if the bottom number is larger then trade the ten so you don't go to negative numbers.

  10. ~NOAH😎🙃🤑😝3 February 2016 at 20:05

    Look at the ones column first. If the bottom number is larger then the top number we will need to trade from the tens column.

  11. first see if you need to borrow any numbers lets say you don't need to.
    then stack the numbers . now subtract it.-claire


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you