Thursday 4 February 2016

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

This morning we had our student teacher, Miss Hadala in to work with our class.  We sure appreciate her help and her willingness to assist in the class.  She will be preparing some lessons to teach in the coming weeks!  We started today with music class with Mrs. Jones.  Students are working on learning the hand staff - please show this to your parents this evening.

Daily 5 went well and students were quite focused on their choices.  Several groups had Guided Reading and we worked on our writing goals.  After read aloud and movement break, we headed to Mrs. Peterson's class to work on our Inquiry.  We read the book Nasreen's Secret School to learn about a young girl in Afghanistan who had to attend a secret school for girls in order to learn about the world.  We then brainstormed what we have learned so far about Schools Around the World.

Good Afternoon Friends,

In math, we had a big problem.  We had buckets of cards that had not been put away properly so.... we couldn't use them for our learning.  So we spent an hour today reorganizing our cards.  They are now ready for learning and thank you to everyone for helping out.

We also learned a new game that will help us with our subtraction.  It is called Slide Over.  This will really help us with trading (regrouping).  We will continue to practice it next week and then we will be wrapping up subtraction next week.

In science inquiry, Oakley shared his space shuttle with us. This led to a discussion about the space shuttle and we looked at the amount of propulsion needed to get the space shuttle out of Earth's atmosphere.  We then talked about some of the space shuttle missions. We talked about the Challenger tragedy and that it was the 30th Anniversary on January 28th.

Image result for challenger space shuttle
In gym, we continued our fitness stations. Many of you are doing really well at setting and meeting their goals. We also did 60 seconds in our plank challenge.

Image result for things to remember

1.)  We are not sure if we will be doing our Community Walk tomorrow as there are call backs for Annie at that time.  Please come prepared just in case.
2.)  Fun Snack Tomorrow - Edible Arrangements
3.)  Lunar New Year on Monday - we will be working with Grade 1/2 from room 51 in the afternoon
4.)  Carnaval on Wednesday in the morning for our class
5.)  Please check out Mrs. McBride's blog for updates on Annie

Image result for question of the day

What have you been wondering about as you read Follow the Elephant
Image result for beryl young follow the elephant


  1. What I have been wondering about in find the elephant is if they are going to find gran's pen pal.


  2. i am wondering why ben gets lost so much.

  3. I am also wondering about grans pen pal. -Lexi

  4. I am wondering when are they going to find the pen pal. -ANDREA

  5. I am wondering how much times dose ben get lost

  6. I wonder if the pen pal ran to somwhere else.

  7. I wonder if Ben or Grandma will see an elephant.

  8. I am wondering how the kids felt when they're dad died


  9. I wonder if they are going to find Shanti?

  10. What I have been wondering about if gran and Ben are so close to finely Shanti

  11. I wonder where shanty is and how gran and ben are going to find her? -claire


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you