Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016

You know when you have one of those days when you are excited about everything you do?  Well this afternoon was one of those days!

We started off the afternoon sharing with Mrs. Bowles how we see ourselves as scientists.  We wrote about our strengths and what some of the challenges we have had in science and how we have or plan on overcoming them.

We moved into Math.  We read a book called Telling Time with Big Mama Cat by Dan Harper. Although the students changed it to Telling Time With Big Mama Bowles...  We discussed how to tell time using an analog clock. We discussed the hands on clock and what they mean. We even connected the clock face to both fractions (Half past, quarter to, quarter after) and to multiplication. Lauren said if we multiply the number to five, we get the number of minutes past.  ( 1 times 5 = 5 after.)  We only had time for one Math Daily 3 but many students were using some of the time apps that we have either on their own devices or those from the school.  Many like to still practice their multiplication facts with Kaboom.

In science we continued our design thinking with the building of our Mars Wind Turbines.  When we tested a few of them we came across some obstacles or snags.  We had to adapt our thinking and make adjustments to our prototypes.

In gym, we continued our work with Foothills Soccer. We had a great time completing all of the activities. We had to build a tower with cones and soccer balls, then we played BLOB tag, British Bulldog and then British Bulldog with soccer balls. We sure put on a lot of steps!

We finished off our day with writing a reflection piece about our Mars Wind Turbines.

Image result for things to remember clipart
1.)  Another day of warm weather -please be prepared.
2.) The garden beds are planted, and already sprouting new plants.  Have you taken a look? 
Thanks again to  The Calgary Foundation for your amazing support for this project, as well as the volunteers and helpers, in out of the school, who have offered to lend a hand with the work.  Now that everything is ready to grow, to feed our community, we hope you can lend a hand, over the summer.  Ms. Goldberg is creating a WEED AND WATER schedule.  If you would like to come and lend a hand for a day, here or there, we would all really appreciate it.  It’s a great way to show you care for the school, and the community, and a nice way to learn about gardening.  

We probably only need you to offer your time for 2 or 3 days, each time for about an hour, over the summer.  You can even bring your little ones, to learn from the growing garden.  

Please email Ms. Goldberg if you can lend a hand.  She will contact you to discuss dates.
Image result for Question of the day
I told you how much I enjoyed this afternoon. Tell me about what was memorable about your day.


  1. I liked playing British bulldog this afternoon. I thought it was challenging trying to get to the other side.

  2. I liked playing Blob Tag in soccer, and making our wind turbines.

  3. Building the wind turbines.

  4. My comment isn't saving. I liked British bulldog and blob tag in soccer.

  5. Science inquiry was the most memorable part of my day.


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you