Monday, 13 June 2016

Monday, June 13th, 2016

This morning we had our final Words their Way tests and have now wrapped up this part f our word work for the year.  We have seen tremendous growth in both vocabulary building and spelling pattern knowledge.  We also worked on our Visual journals and completed a round of Daily 5.

Our Global Citizenship Inquiry is coming along well and students are wrapping up their projects in preparation for our Celebration of Learning!

Tomorrow you will receive Field Trip Forms for our trip to the Calgary  Humane Society on Tuesday, June 21st.  Please fill them in and return them by Friday, June 17th.  We would like to have a few volunteers.  If you are available from 8:45 to 12:30 that day, we would love to have you join us.  Please e-mail Mrs Zwack at  There may be limited room on the bus so you may need to drive or carpool to the site.  Thanks!

In math today we investigated elapsed time. We made connections to our daily lives when this would come in handy.  Using a timeline we looked at the schedule of acts in a circus. We had to identify the duration of each act.  Then using our problem solving skills we had to calculate how long the show was without the intermission.  We really put our thinking caps on for this one!
Image result for circus clipart
During math daily 3 we have really been working on a variety of activities to reinforce our math thinking. Many students are choosing to play Kaboom which is helping with knowing our multiplication facts.  Others have taken our Decimal Nim game and are changing the rules a little bit to make it more challenging.  We are really using our mathematical mindsets.

Our read aloud  A Fish in a Tree is getting soooooo gooooood! We find it hard to put down. We are making many predictions to why Albert has five Flint t-shirts and why he comes to school with so many bruises.  It is getting more and more interesting every day.
Image result for fish in a tree
Our wind turbines are nearing completion.  We have really looked at some of our obstacles and failures and have turned them around into successes.  We are thinking more and more like engineers and scientists in how we tackle a problem.  We should be finished them by the end of the week.  Next we will tackle the problem of solar power.

In gym, we continued to use what we learned from Foothills Soccer.  We started off with a fitness warm-up. We had teams and we had to collect balls with exercises on them. We could get the balls from the main bin or we could steal from other teams.  The  goal was to have the most balls by the end of the time. We also played Statues and Dribblers to practice our ball handling skills.  We finished off with some 3-legged soccer.
Image result for Important notes

1.) Tomorrow forms will be going home for option classes for Dr. George Stanley School.  These forms must be returned by Friday.
2.)  Photos that were ordered from our Spring Photos were sent home today.
Image result for question of the day for students

3)   We will be doing our special celebration for French on Wednesday morning!  Please bring your fruits to share in our fruit salad.  Those who have sent their fruit already, it has been stored in the fridge.

What advice would you give to Albert about how to stop the boys from beating him up after school?


  1. I would tell him to tell them that it hurts his feelings and that if the bullying does not stop he would let his parents or a teacher know.

  2. I would say to Albert that if he sees the boys try to ignore them if they won't leave him alone then tell his parents or tell the boys that it hurts his feelings.


  3. OAKLEY (is awesome)13 June 2016 at 16:32

    I would tell him to tell his parents when they have time instead of hitting back. Also there is a spelling mistake at the beginning of the blog

  4. I would tell him to tell his teacher or to stand up for him self with words and if that does not work go home with his friends. -ANDREA

  5. I would tell my parents and my teacher and tell them to stop.

  6. Talk to a teacher parent or supervisor. Nic Buckner


Please keep comments appropriate. We are all learning from the comments made. Thank you