Would you say it came in like a lion or a lamb?
Another productive day! Hard to believe that it is only Tuesday. The morning began Mrs. McBride teaching us Music where we rehearsed songs for our upcoming assembly. Things are really coming along and we sound fantastic! After Music, Mr. Demman read "The Sandcastle Contest" by Robert Munsch. He guided us through a comprehension strategy called Make a Picture or Mental Image which is a comprehension strategy that helps us become more involved in our reading, listening and writing. We drew pictures in our journals of the moments we had visualized after hearing the story. The class was so engaged that you could hear a pin drop!
During our Daily 5, we continued with some of our guided reading groups and practiced our new reading strategy - Make a Picture or Mental Image. After snack, we went outside for a body break and the weather was beautiful. When we came back inside, we quickly joined Mrs. Peterson's class and jumped right into rehearsing skits for our Social Studies inquiry that we will be performing at Friday's assembly. Just a reminder...if you require props for your group, plan to bring them with you tomorrow.
We started off our afternoon with music with Mrs. Jones. Unfortunately, Mrs. Bowles was unable to get there to see what was happening today.
In Math, The Doorbell Rang Group and the Great Divide: A Mathematical Marathon group worked on the math in our books. We discovered that there was more than just division and that we can use many different kinds of operations ( =, -, X and ÷) to find the answers. We also made the connection between division and fractions. Who knew all of this stuff can be connected? We started to document our understanding in a Freyer Model. Get me to explain what this is?
In our science inquiry, the scientists (botanists) looked at proper scientific method. From our observations yesterday we decided to do an experiment with our growing bean plants. We wrote out our experiment just like a scientist would with: a title, a question, procedure, prediction and (hypothesis). Tomorrow with Mrs. Redwood we will continue our work on scientific method and we will write out our daily observation and create a labeled diagram of our observation.
Room 80 Science Engineers are preparing to turn their blueprint shelter plans into reality. We have been discussing the most important parts of our structures. We are also working on a plan to help us use our materials in the most efficient way.
The final part of our day in gym we looked at shooting skills. Mr. McDougall showed us the proper way to shoot and we got time to practice on the hoops.
1.) Mrs Bowles and Mrs Zwack will be away tomorrow at a workshop. Mrs. Redwood will be subbing.
2.) Friday will be our assembly with Mrs. Peterson's class and our Spark friends. If you would like to come and check out some of what we have to share, please come at 11:15.
We need some help in our science inquiry. Can you find out what the ground is made of on Mars? Do you think we will be able to dig down into the ground?
I think we could dig through the dust but under that there is tons and tons of rocks that would be so hard to dig through. We could experiment with a drill or explosion but it may not work.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be hard cause Mars is made of (rusty dust rocks)
ReplyDeleteThe crust is made of volcanic rock and might be hard to dig into.
ard to dig into as it's hard rock and lots of dust
ReplyDeleteT. From Nicholas
It will be hard to dig in. ANDREA